Reading Pane

When an email is selected, this pane shows its contents.

A toolbar displays some quick actions regarding an email.

These buttons become functional after you select an email and view its contents in the reading pane.

Click reply button to reply to the person who sent this email. Click Reply to all button to reply to everyone whose email address appears in To or Cc fields.

Any attachment in the original email is not included in Reply or Reply All functions.

Click forward button to forward this email to others. It is especially helpful in sending a received attachment to others.

Archive button archives your emails and saves space. Archived emails do not appear in Inbox or any of the folders, but you can search for them using Email Search box.

move button removes emails from the current folder and moves them to a folder chosen from the drop-down.

delete button deletes emails. The deleted emails appear in the Trash folder.

Mark as spam button marks emails as spam and moves them to the Junk folder.

more options reveals further actions to take on emails like marking an email as read or unread, or mark an email with a star for it to stand out, and blocking a contact from sending you emails.

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