Configure Microsoft Outlook for Business Email

Microsoft Outlook is the de facto email client in the Microsoft space which helps millions of users connect all their email accounts, calendars, and files in one convenient spot.

First, we make sure that the Microsoft Outlook application is installed.

  1. When we first open Outlook, it will prompt us to set up an account. If it does not, go to File > Info > Add Account.

  2. Select Yes for the question: Do you want to set up Outlook to connect to an email account?

  1. Click on Next

  2. Select Manual setup or additional server types. Click Next.

  1. Choose POP or IMAP, and then choose Next.

  2. Enter all the required information found here with your account details.

  3. Once done, on More Settings, the internet email dialogue box will appear.

  4. Under the Outgoing Server tab, check “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”.

  5. If not already selected, we select Use same settings as my incoming mail server.

  6. Under the Advanced tab:

    In the Incoming Server area, choose SSL for the type of encrypted connection, and change the port number to 993.
    In the Outgoing Server area, choose TLS for the type of encrypted connection, and change the port number to 465.
    Incoming Server:
    Protocol: IMAP
    Port 993 (SSL Enabled)
    Outgoing server:
    Protocol: SMTP
    Port 587 (SSL Enabled)
  7. Click Next.

  8. Then click Finish.

Finally, you can try to login into the account and send a test email.

You are set to start sending and receiving emails on the Outlook application.

Last updated


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